Character Trait of the Month
Each month, students will learn a new character trait. The character trait of the month will be featured on the morning news show. Students will be expected to learn the trait and define what it means. The purpose is to grow our students into successful leaders.
August: Respect-To value each other’s points of view.
I will show respect when I listen when my teacher is talking.
September: Honesty-To be truthful.
I will show honesty when I am truthful with my words and actions.
October: Friendship-To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring.
I will show friendship when I take turns, share and listen.
November: Cooperation-To work together towards a common goal.
I will show cooperation when I work nicely with others in a group.
December: Gratitude- To be thankful and grateful for the things I have.
I will show gratitude by saying thank you and showing acts of kindness.
January: Responsibility-To do what you’re supposed to do, when you’re supposed to do it.
I will show responsibility when I follow school rules.
February: Self-Control-To manage one's thoughts, feelings and actions.
I will show self-control when I remain calm and confident in all situations.
March: Perseverance-To keep pushing even when you want to give up.
I will show perseverance when I keep trying even if I failed the first time.
April: Optimism-To think positive.
I show optimism when I smile, say kind words, and focus on what’s right.
May: Problem Solving-To seek solutions.
Iwillshow problem solving when I find the right answers to make myself and others feel happy.