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Helpful Parent Contacts

Listed below are important community contacts that parents may need for assistance. 


Helpful Community Resources 


The Cooperative Ministry 803 799-3853 

Columbia Area Mental Health Center 803 898-4800 

Sistercare Inc. 803 765-9428 

God's Storehouse 803 691-1622 

Harvest Hope 803 254-4432 

United Way of the Midlands 803 733-5400 

Department of Social Services 803 898-7601 

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 803 898-3432 

Richland County Health Department 803 576-2940 

City Police Department (South Region) 803 545-3500 

Richland County Sheriff's Department 803 576-3000 

Richland County Fire Department 803 576-3400 

Denise Kinloch-Mayweather (School Social Worker) 803 333-8163 

McKinney-Vento Assistance, Provides Homeless Education (Deborah C. Boone) 803 231-6914